Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Ben Nevis. Scotland.

Ben nevis
Nevis mountain
Ben Nevis mountain
Ben Nevis Scotland

Standing at 1,343 metre above sea level, Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in the UK. A trip up Ben Nevis is not for the faint hearted. It is a strenuous walk to the top and you need to be well planned and equipped for the journey. A map is essential as is good walking shoes and warm clothing.
The most popular and easy route to the top is known as the Pony Track and it starts at the Fort William.The route up the mountain is stunning and involves climbing over mini waterfalls and boulders. You need to take you time and don't forget to look at the views along the way. Nearing the top the weather can often close in and Ben Nevis is known for its thick fog. We went in April and there was a lot snow about, and though it looked pretty and made good pictures, it was very slippery and deep in parts, so take care. At the top we were very lucky and the fog cleared showing up breathtaking views. It is worth the effort and defiantly one of the most amazing places I've been.

1 comment:

  1. i m surprise!!

    scotland with snow!!...


    i always thing scotland with green fields and deep valeys ...

    very beautifull!!

    manuel ponte

    my web:
