This maze at the village of Wing is actually a labyrinth. The Difference being a maze has many dead ends and different paths, where as a labyrinth has one path which leads to the centre. Though hard to date, Wing turf maze of thought to be medieval. It is an interesting place to visit if in the area as there as not many of these mazes left in Britain.
Hi Sam. I like your picture of a labyrinth. I couldn't find an email for you so re the courgettes. It could be early days yet. Don't dispair! Have you got bulges behind your flowers or just straight stems? The straight stems are male flowers and the bugles are courgettes to be. They need fertilising. If necessary get a cotton wool bud and do the job yourself! They also need feeding at least once a week and regular watering but not on the leaves. Try not to let them dry out or they get problems! Hope something there helps. Oh and eventually you will-should get female flowers and bulges! :-) Val